Mennonite Historic Arts Committee is comprised of a team of specialists on Mennonite history and material culture committed to the preservation, publication, and exhibition of historic Mennonite art forms.


Upcoming Publication and Exhibition

Mennonite Fraktur Art

Working with scholars of Russian-Mennonite material culture, our latest project investigates the holdings of institutions nationwide in a search for Fraktur art, a form of historic Mennonite text illumination utilized in gift-giving rituals, education, and personal object adornment.

Four to six individual Fraktur artists will be highlighted, along with the types and changing forms of Fraktur over time. In partnership with the Mennonite Historic Arts Committee, a book and travelling exhibit will be developed.

Your financial contributions will help cover costs related to book printing and exhibit design, as well as the continued preservation, analysis, and public exhibition of Fraktur art produced by Mennonites.


Publication and Exhibition 2020

Mennonite Village Photography: Views from Manitoba 1890–1940

Produced by the Mennonite Historic Arts Committee, this award winning book features an exceptional collection of never-before-seen photographs left behind by four Manitoba Mennonite photographers.

The photographs were printed in large format, creating a travelling exhibit that will be displayed in galleries throughout Manitoba.
